Bouquet is a game that was not originally designed to be “educational,” it was designed to be fun. The thought to use it in a classroom as a learning tool was a crucial afterthought, but not its point of origin. Bouquet is a game rooted in chance, strategy, logic, and fun. You should not feel like you are doing homework while playing Bouquet— learning should take a back seat to fun. And we figure that the more fun you are having while playing, the more you deepen your understanding and comfort with simple arithmetic and logic.

On Designing Bouquet
Orson Ossman Orson Ossman

On Designing Bouquet

I did not consider myself good at math. But today, after playing board games for 30 years, I have confidence in my ability to do math. I don’t even think about it as a chore anymore. It can actually be fun! 

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